Translation and Interpreting are arts requiring a deep knowledge of the linguistic structures and cultural backgrounds of the reference countries. They are not mere transformations of words but rather means of intercultural communication in a broad sense: the linguistic, verbal and non verbal aspect, embedded in every single culture. This implies a direct connection to the uncommon …

Translating is like doing a puzzle: every single word, in its appropriate position, concurs to create a landscape and a picture with the final aim of communicating a content, a state of mind, a thought, a form of being.

It is an activity that gives us the privilege to live parallel lives, transforming our personalities and enriching them with new cultures and thoughts. Translating allows us to change our face and assume new forms …

We love translating because every single work we do is a chance to open our minds and a journey that makes us richer, as if heart, body and mind had really gone far away … There are short and long trips, challenging and relaxing journeys but in each experience our heart becomes overflowing and wiser …

Transmitting knowledge, encouraging communication among culturally and linguistically different people, facilitating comprehension and exchanging thoughts are our mission.

“… The translator is the last, true knight errant of literature”